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Writer's pictureTim Ahlman

Embracing Love for the Church

I love my church home. I’ll admit, growing up I sometimes internally rolled my eyes when people would talk about how much they love their church home. Sure. Whatever. Love is too strong of a word, isn’t it? 

It is not. Love is the perfect word. I love my church home. 

Two quick stories. 

One, I recently preached at a partner Lutheran church in Tijuana, Mexico. It was a lovely experience. What a joy to share the Gospel with new people. After the beautiful Lutheran traditional worship service using the new Spanish CPH hymnal (that thing is legit and huge!), we retreated to the congregation’s courtyard for a good ole fashion Lutheran potluck. The pork stew was amazing. I didn’t try the jello salad. This wasn’t my first Lutheran potluck. 

Yet, I left thinking one thing. These people really love each other. They know each other. They help one another with their children. Teens help lead worship. People are serving. They are proud of their church. The love of Jesus compels them to deeply love one another. It was a contagious love. 

Two, absence makes the heart grow fonder for my church family. I’ve been away a bit this summer from my home church. When I return, it is like a homecoming. I love Christ Greenfield. Even after eleven years in one congregation, my affection for the people of Christ Greenfield is only accelerating. 

I’m not saying this simply because I’m a pastor. Honestly, I’ve taken most of the summer off from preaching. We have many vicars sharing God’s Word. It has been so fun to simply receive God’s Word, to linger in Sunday conversations with friends with no fear of missing my next service.

I am proud of my congregation. I love my church family. 

I long for this experience for every baptized member in every congregation in the LCMS. I want you to love where you are. Who cares what I want. The Holy Spirit wants to draw you closer to Jesus and disciples of Jesus in your local church family. 

When you love your church family you want to make the family larger. Be fruitful. Multiply the message. Be bold in sharing what Jesus is doing in your local congregation. Baptize young and old. Open the doors wide, and let the people come hear the greatest story of love the world has ever known—Christ crucified and risen for the forgiveness of sins and hope for the world! 

Three quick questions.

Could some of the decline in the wider Church in America be due to the lack of godly affection baptized members have for their church family? Maybe.

Could some of our bickering between congregations, and factions in the LCMS, be due to decreased missional zeal in our local congregations to expand our individual church families? Possibly. 

Could transient pastors, often looking for the next best call, contribute to a lack of local church affection? Probably, but I’m not entirely sure. 

What I am sure of is that Jesus wants us to love His Bride, the Church. I am sure Jesus smiles over us when we speak well of what He is doing in our local congregations. I am sure Jesus at work in the local Church through Word and Sacrament is the hope of the world. I am absolutely sure I will be praying for more baptized members, catalyzed by leaders who love their local church, to be bold ambassadors of the reconciliation with God and others that flows from the body of Christ in her local context. 

I love my church home. 

I pray you do, too. 


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