Connect with the ULC
Connecting the dots between theology, leadership, and ministry to empower leaders to spread the Gospel in explosive ways! See the many ways in which you and your leaders can get connected!

Join us in-person for an intensive, high-energy experience designed to help your church excel. The in-person accelerator cohorts offer a dynamic, interactive learning environment where congregation leaders come together to explore best practices, share insights, and learn from each other. Packed with real-world strategies, practical tools, and collaborative learning, our Accelerator cohort will deepen your understanding of each role and motivation behind the “5 Jobs,” while providing you with concrete strategies to strengthen your church's engagement. It's more than just learning; it's about creating lasting change with a community of like-minded leaders committed to growth and excellence.

In our effort to better support you, we are adding our in-person Accelerator to an online learning module with an option for leaders to move at their own pace or to connect with a faculty mentor to move along with you and your team. Now you can access all of the benefits of engaging with the ULC Accelerator with the benefit of accessibility! Stay tuned for more information coming soon!

Bring the experts to you with one of our in-person consultations. Choose from one or two pressing topics or schedule a time to meet with the UULC faculty for a personalized consultation on which topics to move forward with. Schedule your free 45-minute consultation to get started.

Lead Time is a podcast of the Unite Leadership Collective, hosted by Tim Ahlman and Jack Kalleberg tapping into biblical wisdom for practical solutions to today's burning issues.
American Reformation is a podcast of the Unite Leadership Collective, hosted by Tim Ahlman.

Kairos University and the ULC will partner students with three mentors (Faculty, Ministry and Personal mentors) who will help design your outcome-based learning experience. Through Kairos University, an ATS accredited seminary, LHOS offers a revolutionary approach to delivering a solid Lutheran education for individuals entering into congregational ministry.

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