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Tania Hilton
Jun 17, 20243 min read
Crafting Faith: Woodworking Principles for Navigating Ministry Challenges - Matthew J. Engel
I spent some time last weekend working on woodworking projects in the shop. It's a craft that demands accuracy, creativity, and a good...

Tim Ahlman
Jun 10, 20242 min read
A Growth Journey of Surrender and Transformation
Growth— a challenging word. I’m stuck downward. The flesh sets me back. Flailing, falling, stumbling, crawling, daily growth seems...

Tim Ahlman
Jun 3, 20244 min read
Leadership on the Line: Navigating the Diversity of Ministry
Healthy leaders function on the line. Unwise leaders step over the line. Cowardly leaders never approach the line. If the image of a...

Tim Ahlman
May 27, 20243 min read
Running the Ministry Marathon: Lessons from the Apostle Paul
Ministry can be hard. Understatement. Some of you have thought about quitting. Don’t. Please, don’t. Jesus has more for you to do, more...

Matthew Schultz
May 20, 20244 min read
Ascension Lutheran Church: Tailgating for Jesus – A Unique Approach to Community, Worship, and Volunteerism
If someone asked you to describe your church, what would you say? You might tell them about the awesome youth ministry. You might...

Tim Ahlman
May 13, 20242 min read
Embracing the Mess: Why Authenticity is the Key to Building Trust in the Church
Everyone is a hot sinful mess. Everyone. Don’t think you are? Then you really are. The sooner you acknowledge you’re a mess—a work in...

Tim Ahlman
May 6, 20244 min read
Unveiling Truth: The Divisions and Deceptions Within the LCMS Community
How truthful are you? I’m sure we’d all say, “I’m pretty truthful. Sure, I have those moments where I tell little white lies to...

Tim Ahlman
Apr 29, 20243 min read
Crucifying the Ego: The Path to Humility and Harmony
We have located the enemy, the villain, the imposter, the liar, the one who must be defeated. Me. It’s me. Sorry to say, but it’s you,...

Tim Ahlman
Apr 22, 20242 min read
Finding Courage in the Midst of Ministry: Reflections on Life's Crossroads and the Call to Humility
I’ve been more contemplative lately. Youthful exuberance is slowly giving way to the deeper well of life, swirling with pain and loss,...

Tim Ahlman
Apr 15, 20243 min read
Choosing Christ Over Hedonism and Nihilism: Finding Hope in the Resurrection
Apart from Christ, we choose hedonism or nihilism. We may waffle between the two in the same week, day, or hour. Satan loves when our...

Tim Ahlman
Apr 8, 20245 min read
Leading Through Skepticism: A-P-A Approach for Uniting Communities
Every leader will have “skeptics” in their congregation or business. Skeptics are unsure, unconvinced, change averse, questioning,...

Tim Ahlman
Apr 1, 20245 min read
Easter Rejoice: Revealing Hope in the Risen Christ
Happy Easter! Jesus lives! The tomb is empty! Rejoice and be glad! Today’s Easter blog was originally written to be preached on Easter at...

Tim Ahlman
Mar 25, 20241 min read
Beyond Suffering: Finding Liberation in the Sufferer's Love
A Holy Week blog poem Suffer– I despise the word. Why? Why not? Rebellion. Our rebellion. That is why. Suffer– Life is suffering. I wish...

Tim Ahlman
Mar 17, 20243 min read
Lessons from the Bleachers: Patience, Perseverance, and Perspective on Life and Leadership
On a recent Saturday, I found myself at my freshman son’s high-school track meet. (Disclaimer: I didn’t grow up a “track guy.” I played...

Tim Ahlman
Mar 11, 20241 min read
Embracing Eternity in Every Ticking Moment: A Reflection on Time, Redemption, and Living Fully
Not all of our blogs are like this…but today’s is. Time– Faster and faster, trying to keep up. Failing, flailing, falling, finished....

Tim Ahlman
Mar 4, 20243 min read
Expanding Our Frames: A Call for Unity and Growth in the LCMS
I’m biased. So are you. I like things my way. By nature, I resist change. I have my frame through which I view the world. The world makes...

Tim Ahlman
Feb 26, 20243 min read
Habit Formation and Spiritual Growth: Navigating the Journey to Unstoppable Transformation
We’re a few months into 2024. How are your resolutions? Holding steady? Flailing and failing? Committed to conquering for the sake of...

Tim Ahlman
Feb 19, 20243 min read
Embracing Chaos: The Call to Adventure in a Changing World
I’ve been reflecting on change a lot recently. Humans don’t like change. Maybe it’s more accurate to say humans don’t like change that...

Tim Ahlman
Feb 12, 20245 min read
From Creation to Re-Creation: The Biblical Narrative in Six Acts
I love telling stories. Stories capture the imagination much more than statements of doctrine or long, leather-bound doctrinal books....

Tim Ahlman
Feb 5, 20243 min read
Three Confessional Lutheran Perspective on Bridging Divides
I pray for unity in the LCMS. I pray for brotherly charity between pastors and lay leaders in diverse contexts, united around our common...
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